Last Updated: Nov 05, 2017
100 Proof News doesn’t have any special offers/deals, or any discounted pricing. If you are looking for a cheaper Usenet service, please refer to our Best Usenet Providers list.
There is no free trial offered by 100 Proof News.
There are three packages available to clients:
We have not tested the connection speed of 100 Proof News, but it is safe to assume that connection speed of users will be based or limited upon the plan chosen.
They have geographically diverse nodes; there are East Coast, West Coast and Europe nodes. For the Windows XP & Vista, they highly recommend the News Rover newsgroup reader. On the other hand, for the Mac OS X, they recommend MT-NewsWatcher stating that it is currently considered as the best free newsgroup reader available for this OS. It is also handy to know the fact that although the News Rover usually costs $29.95, for the altbinaries Usenet clients it is free.
All of 100 Proof News user accounts have web based interface for the image manipulation; the picture access is unlimited. They provide more than six months of retention which while not a very high number is nonetheless decent. In order to avoid the unfinished downloads, they provide more than 99.9% of newsgroup completion. While talking about security, they offer 256 Bit SSL Encryption so there are no unwanted eyes watching your traffic.
100 Proof News has 98+ % completion rate – not the best but not the worst, typically you would use services like 100 proof news to do image browsing.
Customer service seems decent however 100 Proof News only offers email support.
100 proof news, now called “altbinaries” offers web-based Usenet browsing. They have 200 days of binary retention which by current 2011 market standards is relatively low but typically when using web based Usenet browsing, you are only interested in current material.
The service isn’t bad and but we are recommending our list of Best Usenet Providers, you can check them out here and see what we recommend them as such.