Last Updated: Sep 29, 2017
Regardless of the fact that they are not known under this name anymore
RGInews currently has no special or discounted pricing.
RGInews offers a 14-Day Free Trial for new users.
In the beginning, there was only one paid option available. Besides the 2-day free trial account, there was also one month subscription offering 30GB of bandwidth, 6 connections, no speed caps and all of this for $12.95.
In the following year, this price went down to $10.95. Another package was added, offering 3GB of bandwidth and it cost $5.95.
Let’s mention that it was possible to upgrade this account to the 30GB one. In the year of 2005, one more option was added. The user had the option to sign up for 12 months where the 1GB per month was available. This option had the annual price of $24.95
The connection speeds are only average according to other reviews, although we have not tested them ourselves.
The server was available on address, while using the standard 119 port. In the 2008, free SSL encryption was provided and up to 32 Concurrent Connections were available.
There are no other technical information on RGInews’ website.
Regarding these two values, it was said (for retention) that they provide multiple terabyte retention and that the storage was upgraded frequently. For the completion, an exceptional high rate of complete binary and text messages is provided.
Fortunately, in the year of 2007, these explanations were put into the numbers for the first time. We have found out that the binary retention was over 75 days and that the completion rate was over 99%. The retention was upgraded into 90 days in 2008.
RGINews has an online web form as customer support.